A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horri...
The film retraces the events of a trail in the Pyrenees, which fleeing fascism that was infecting the heart of Europe. Catalans and internationalist militants fleeing the Franco regime before; Jews, c...
On March 24, 2018, federal authorities seized a cloud account associated with an unnamed Person of Interest surrounding the"Lobo" case. Media and video files are now being released to the public in h...
张洋 女 1989年出生于重庆黔江城区。96年就读黔江实验小学,2002年就读于黔江中学直至初三转到重庆九龙坡区育才中学校就读直至高三。在高中阶段偶遇马及人导演(重庆电台雾都夜话总制片人),马导为Ellie Kendrick (born 6 June 1990) is a British actress best known for playing Anne Frank in the BBC's ...