Housefull 4 is an upcoming Indian comedy film directed by Farhad Samji, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The film is the fourth installment of Ho...
When Alan Howard, a young Englishman, arrives in Kenya to visit his older brother on his farm he finds the latter has been brutally murdered by the Mau Mau. He decides to go on exploiting the farm and...
Join your host, Festering Frank, as he returns from the grave to bring you five more terrifying tales of blood soaked horror. Featuring gory graveyards, mutated mothers, psycho Santas and killer coupl...
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out. Featuring eight intense stories of the unknown and other...
It is 1928 and a young, honeymooning couple seek their fame and fortune by making the bride the first woman to shoot the rapids in the Grand Canyon. Something goes wrong near the end of their journey,...