A group of women are kidnapped by guerrillas and forced to serve as prostitutes for them in a jungle brothel. The sadistic female warden decapitates uncooperative girls....
"Very rare XXX mondo-style film in which a psychiatrist explains to his students several stories of sexual deviants. Each vignette begins with the doctor citing a fact-based newspaper/magazine story o...
A young woman visits her gravely ill grandmother at the family estate. On her death bed, the old woman reveals to her granddaughter the family curse: they're all vampires. The young woman decides to m...
出生于纽约哈德森,在苹果园长大。父亲是位演员,作家,农场主。母亲曾是一位模特,后来专心持家。有一位大自己16岁的姐姐。身上有6处刺青,爱养宠物狗,自称有心电感应能力。最喜欢的一套电视剧集是《黑道家族》,爱喝咖啡。最讨厌蜘蛛,咖喱沙司,杜松子酒。Avery began her career as a stand-up comic. She and her family produced four d...