In this modern retelling of the classic tale, facing certain defeat, Merlin banishes the evil enchantress Morgana and her son Mordred to the ends of universe. Vowing revenge, Morgana and her son retur...
Teen stepbrothers, Danny, a wannabe entrepreneur, and Ajay, an artistic dreamer, pull off an elaborate prank on the last day of school. Caught in the act, they're assigned to a summer mentor: lascivio...
Actress Mika Andrews and her filmmaker boyfriend Louis Digman struggle through the trenches of the entertainment industry to succeed in"Hollywood." Told in raw documentary style, the camera chronicle...
2010年上映的《蒙德维地亚:梦之味(上)》描写了1930年南斯拉夫参加世界杯并获得亚军的故事,以超过《阿凡达》两倍的成绩打破了塞尔维亚的历史票房纪录。而该片的下集今夏即将上映。影片的主演,扮演球星蒂尔纳尼奇的24岁影星米洛斯·比柯维奇更凭借该片成为塞尔维亚家喻户的名人。Weeks was educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, where she read E...