Ethan, a film student in the Pacific Northwest, finds himself reflecting on his family estrangement when he takes interest in claims of an alien abduction at a local beach....
A sociopath films a ho- to instructional video for his website for voyeurs who want to become"peepers". When an unexpected guest shows up at his victims home, the videographer is trapped inside. He m...
威廉·乔西(William Joyce)生于1957年12月11日,是一位美国作家、插画家和制片人。他的插画作品经常在博物馆和艺术画廊展览。代表作《莫里斯·莱斯莫先生的神奇飞书》让他获得了2012年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。John Phillip Stamos (/ˈsteɪmoʊs/ STAY-mohss; born August 19, 1963)[1] is an American actor...
1931年出生于英国的犹太移民后裔。40年代就在BBC电台和Oxford Repertory Theatre(牛津剧院)演出,也演出莎士比亚的戏剧,还曾经和只有20出头的Richard Burton同台演出。48年拍了一部法庭系列电影《The Blind Goddess 》,此后还给英语版的《通烟囱工人与牧羊女 La bergère et le ramoneur》配音。52年卓别林导演和编剧的电影...