自扎克·施奈德因“家庭变故”中途离开《正义联盟》导演岗位之后(也有说法称他是被华纳DC炒了鱿鱼),就一直未有长片新作推出。今天,扎导自《正义联盟》之后第一个长片执导项目终于官宣了——他将为Netflix执导丧尸惊悚片《死亡之师》(暂译,Army of the Dead)。值得一提的是,扎导15年前的导演处女作《活死人黎明》就是丧尸片。在为华纳DC执导多部超级英雄大片后,扎导又重回开始的地方。...
Best friends Toni and Paul decide to relinquish all of their belongings for 100 days, whereby they receive one of their items back on each day. During this challenge the two realize, that the only thi...
CLARE and her son FINN are in hiding in rural France after an ugly custody dispute with his father LIAM. She wakes in the middle of the night to find someone kidnapping Finn. Clare is offered a deal -...