Five teenagers playing with a Ouija Board are led to a sacred binding place for the malevolent demon Asmodeus who, five years prior, possessed a young girl, forcing her to murder her own sister. Now t...
Cowboy James Franciscus seeks fame and fortune by capturing a Tyrannosaurus Rex living in the Forbidden Valley and putting it in a Mexican circus. His victim, called the Gwangi, turns out to have an a...
1968年 乔治的飞船误入两千年后的地球并失事,在善良的猿族 夫妇兹瑞和考尼斯的帮助下,他逃出了猿族的监牢,但猿族首领佐斯博士并没打算放过他》(Beneath the Planet of the Apes) 1970年 前来搜寻乔治的飞船再次失事在星球上新加入的战友和乔治联手去阻止猿族对人类的杀戮.......