Former youth boxing champion Jimmy McCabe, after hitting rock bottom, returns to his childhood boxing club and his old team, gym owner Bill and corner-man Eddie....
A small group of people are brought to an eery, deserted town. When one of them disappears under unsettling circumstances the potentially lethal challenge of whether to leave the relative safety of th...
夜深人静的英国伦敦,狡猾精明的犯罪分子雅克布·斯特恩伍德(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)带领手下洗劫位于中心地带的银行。事成之后,他与手下驾驶摩托逃离现场,而勇猛果敢的警察麦克斯·莱温斯基(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)只身追赶,厮打过程中他被雅可布射中腿部,追捕以失败告终。三年后,藏身冰岛过着无忧无虑生活的雅可布接到一通电话,他的儿子卢恩(伊莱耶斯·加贝尔 Elye...
When God and the Devil go on a rock climbing weekend in Wales it's down time, a chance to call a temporary truce. But, when they discover Nancy slumped at the bottom of a cliff, old rivalries soon sur...
1348年,黑死病蔓延欧洲,诸国上下尸横遍野,饿殍满街。在这个人人自危的黑暗时代,年轻的英格兰传教士奥斯曼(埃迪·雷德梅尼 Eddie Redmayne 饰)依旧试图坚守他的信仰和岗位。适值此时,骑士奥立克(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)带领手下来到奥斯曼所在的教堂。起因是主教听说丹维兹森林附近某个村庄无一人感染瘟疫,因此派遣奥立克前去探明情况。因该村庄靠近奥斯曼成长的故乡,他主动请缨担当奥立...
莱尼(汤姆•威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)是伦敦黑帮的头目,他手下有个得力干将艾奇(马克•斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)。莱尼曾经做套逼小流氓头二(杰拉德•巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)还债。结果,头二凭借情人史黛拉(桑迪•牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)提供的情报,成功打劫,抢得巨款,还清了债务,并且一发而不可收拾……...