The story of Julian Suarez, 29 going on 30, who loves women so much he can't have just one. Three in particular have caught his eye at the moment, Genny, voluptuous, rambunctious, romantic; Ingrid, po...
英国著名喜剧演员和喜剧作家,最近知名度比较高的作品是1988年《一条叫旺达的鱼 A Fish Called Wanda》的原创作者,也是该剧的执行制片人,也是男主角,获得了奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖提名,获得金球奖最佳男演员(喜剧/音乐类)提名,获得英国BAFTA奖最佳男主角奖一集BAFTA最佳原创剧本奖提名。...
生成一副衰样的许冠英自称喜欢唱歌多于演戏,可惜大部分观众只对他塑造的一系列银幕形象印象深刻,对其歌艺如何倒不甚了了。所幸许冠英生性豁达,万事随缘,对虚名功利从不强求,或许正因如此,他在影坛虽然从未大红,却历来发展稳定,闯出自己的一片天空。Lady Clara Elizabeth Isis Paget (born 1988) is a British aristocrat, model and ac...
A young woman attending a conference in Tangier with her husband is kidnapped and raped, but rebuilds her relationship with her husband on a trip to the south of Morocco....