In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Detectives chase every lead that presents itself, to pacify th...
A young girl's life is turned upside down when she is abducted and forced into the world of human trafficking. The next 24 hours will transform her into a ruthless killer with only one thing on her mi...
小时候就展露其与众不同的表演天赋,参与俄罗斯知名剧团Taganka的演出,为日后的戏剧之路打下良好基础。长大后伊夫杰尼不但持续参与各类表演,更在学院里接受严谨的理论训练,先后专研钢琴演奏、导演、戏剧表演等领域。演戏之余,多才多艺的伊夫杰尼还自组乐团担任主唱与吉他手的角色。外型性格抢眼的伊夫杰尼在俄罗斯拥有广大的影迷,参与多部电视影集与电影的演出。Since 1993 played in a roc...