John Harman (George Brent), manager of an Oxford Street bookstore, reprimands an attractive young clerk, Ruby Bruce (Diana Dors), for being late to work. The same day Ruby catches Jeff Hart (Peter Rey...
When Virginia and her husband Jack spend a long weekend in the idyllic countryside, they encounter a creature that tears their lives apart. While the attack has an effect on each of them, it......
When Preston (22) dies in a car crash, his mother Sandra (40), goes through his social media accounts hoping to salvage any photos of him and let his friends know of his death. She discovers communica...
国际大都会纽约,迎来了繁忙的周一早晨。可就在这匆匆奔忙的时刻,曾经隶属苏联的太空垃圾坠落市中心,引起地铁事故。纽约铁路局相关人员进入现场调查,结果意外身亡。铁路局负责人杰森(帕特里克·马尔顿 Patrick Muldoon 饰)从验尸官那里得知,死者体内竟然藏着某种生物的卵。地铁系统持续瘫痪,种种异状又接连出现,杰森和同伴实地调查,目击了体型庞大、攻击性极强的成群蜘蛛横行的恐怖场面。它们来自外太空...